Spectacular attack on Britain imminent?
Whilst a spectacular attack is concerning, it is often easier to counter, the planning and communcation are easier to pick up upon and the increased number of moving parts increases the risk of error, from my personal experience it is the lone wolf which is most scary and unpredictable.
Terror group Islamic State (IS) could be plotting a “spectacular” attack on Britain as the world’s leaders meet at Wales’ Nato Summit, it has been warned. Former Intelligence and Security Committee chairman Kim Howells said there was “no question” jihadists would be planning something for the largest ever gathering of international leaders seen in the UK. “Like their predecessors al Qaeda they like mounting spectaculars,” the ex-Foreign Office minister said. “I’ve been to a few Nato summits and this gathering of heads of state is one of the biggest of any kind of event you can imagine, especially with the American president being there.